Low Cost
House Rental

Maximum Value for Money

Moderate Regions - 18+ Only

Adult Activity Allowed In Private

Adult Furniture Are Allowed

Public Display of Nudity is Not Allowed

All avatars including SL Children Are Welcome


**Would have to be removed/returned if it is found that they are causing issues.

Minimum Rates & Land Impact/Prims

Unfurnished Houses

59 L$/Week

60 Land Impact

Extra Prims @ 0.75 L$/Prim

250 L$/Week

250 Land Impact

Extra Prims @ 0.75 L$/Prim

499 L$/Week

500 Land Impact

Extra Prims @ 0.75 L$/Prim

Furnished Houses

799 L$/Week

50 Land Impact

Extra Prims @ 0.75 L$/Prim